
新型コロナウイルス関連肺炎に関する注意喚起(第6報)ーWarning for New Coronavirus-Related Pneumonia (No 6)

Island wisdom, for the world, for the future. 



1 学生・教職員は、日頃から、こまめな手洗い、咳エチケットやマスクの着用など、衛生管理・感染拡大防止につとめてください。また、人が多く集まるイベント等への参加や、閉ざされた空間での複数名での飲食、料理の共有なども、できるだけ避けてください。

2 発熱等の風邪の症状がある学生・教職員には、次の①~③を要請します。

3 本学の部局等又は本学教職員が主催するイベント等については、参加者を特定できないイベント、多数の方が集まるイベント、懇親会など飲食を伴うイベント等は、開催を自粛してください。参加者を特定できる小規模なイベント等についても、主催者において、感染拡大防止の観点から、感染の広がり、会場の状況等を踏まえ、開催の必要性をあらためて検討してください。

4 学生・教職員の海外渡航は当面、禁止とします。禁止期間の終了は、今後の状況を見て決定します。

5 海外から帰国・入国した学生・教職員は、必ず所属学部・研究科等の事務部に電話連絡をして、その指示に従ってください。(別紙の行動フローを参照。)

6 感染症危険情報レベル1以下の国・地域に滞在中の学生・教職員についても、今後、レベル2以上に引き上げられる可能性があるため、早期の帰国を検討してください。

7 海外からの帰国・入国者に対する政府の対応措置(空港での待機要請など)や、上記5の措置により就学・就業に関して不安等がある学生・教職員は、所属学部・研究科等の事務部に相談してください。









学部等名 担当 電話番号 メールアドレス
人文社会学部/法文学部 学務係 098-895-8188 hbgakmu@acs.u-ryukyu.ac.jp
法務研究科 法科大学院係 098-895-8091 hbhkdak@acs.u-ryukyu.ac.jp
国際地域創造学部/観光産業科学部 学務係 098-895-9053 ktgakumu@acs.u-ryukyu.ac.jp
教育学部 学務係 098-895-8317 kigakmu@acs.u-ryukyu.ac.jp
教育学研究科 教職大学院係 098-895-8312 kikyosho@acs.u-ryukyu.ac.jp
理学部/理工学研究科(理系) 学務係 098-895-8595 rggakmu@acs.u-ryukyu.ac.jp
医学部 医学部学務課
098-895-1055 igzgaksien@acs.u-ryukyu.ac.jp
工学部/理工学研究科(工系) 学務係 098-895-8583 kggakmu@acs.u-ryukyu.ac.jp
農学部/農学研究科 学務係 098-895-8738 nggakmu@acs.u-ryukyu.ac.jp
学生部教育支援課 共通教育係 098-895-8854 kykyotsu@acs.u-ryukyu.ac.jp

March 23, 2020

Warning for New Coronavirus-Related Pneumonia (No 6)

Responding to the spread of the new coronavirus infectious disease in Japan and overseas, the University entirely updated the “Warning for New Coronavirus-Related Pneumonia (No5)” notified on March 9 as follows.

1. Students, faculty, and staff members should always take measures for hygiene management and prevention from infection, such as washing hands frequently, practicing cough etiquette, and wearing a mask. Also, please avoid participating in events where many people gather and eating, drinking and sharing food with multiple people in a closed space as much as possible.
In particular, there are cases of young people who have inapparent infections (infected but have no symptoms). Because there are possibilities that you may become a spreader (infection source) and infect other people, it is important to keep in your mind to avoid any actions to spread infection.

2. Students, faculty and staff members who have a fever or any symptom of a cold, please be sure to follow the instructions described below:
① Rest at home
② Refrain from going out
③ Measure and record body temperature every day

In addition, in case you have a fever (37.5 ° C or more) or any other cold symptoms for 4 days or longer, or sense of weariness (fatigue) or shortness of breath (difficulty breathing), please consult with the Returnees and Contact Center (in Okinawa, a public health center in your residence area) and follow their instructions. After consulting with the public health center, please contact the office of your Faculty/Graduate School, report the instructions received from the public health center or diagnosis by a medical institution, and ask for instructions about your study or work.

3. The Faculties/Centers or faculty members of the University are refrained from holding events or social gatherings that participants cannot be identified, involve a large number of people, or involve eating and drinking, etc. For small events that can identify participants, please reconsider the necessity of holding such events to prevent spreading of infection.
If it is absolutely necessary to hold an event, we strongly recommend for event holders to take any possible measure to prevent the spread of infection: participants must wear masks, an alcohol disinfectant should be placed at the entrance of the venue, and  those who have symptoms such as cold are not allowed to participate in the event.

4. For the time being, students, faculty and staff members are prohibited from traveling abroad. The University will determine the end of the period for this measure depending on situations in the days ahead.

5. For students, faculty and staff members who returned from abroad, you must contact the office of your Faculty/Graduate School and follow the instructions. (Please refer to the attached chart)
For those who are currently staying abroad, if you are returning or coming from the country/area designated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as “Travel Advice and Warning on Infectious Diseases Level 2: Please refrain from unnecessary and non-urgent travels” or higher, or the country/area where you stayed is raised to “Travel Advice and Warning on Infectious Diseases Level 2” or higher within one week of returning to/entering Japan, you must stay home for 14 days and observe your health condition carefully (check your body temperature twice a day, observe any symptoms, and so on) and keep a record. For “Travel Advice and Warning on Infectious Diseases Level”, please refer to “Overseas Safety website (in Japanese)” by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

6. For students, faculty and staff members staying in countries/areas designated as “Travel Advice and Warning on Infectious Diseases Level 1” or lower, the levels of these countries/areas may be raised to Level 2 or higher; therefore, it is strongly advised to consider returning to Japan ASAP.

7. If you are concerned about measures by the Japanese Government towards those returning to/entering Japan (such as request for stay at an airport) or about your study or work due to the measures mentioned above No. 5, please contact the office of your Faculty/Graduate School.

Risk Management Headquarter
(for New Coronavirus Infection Control)
University of the Ryukyus

Instructions for students and faculty/staff members who returned to/entered into Japan from foreign countries (as of March 23, 2020)


<Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan>https://www.anzen.mofa.go.jp/index.html

Contact Information of Faculties/Graduate Schools
Faculty/Graduate School/Student Division Section Phone E-mail

Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences/
Faculty of Law & Letters

Academic Affairs Section 098-895-8188 hbgakmu@acs.u-ryukyu.ac.jp

Graduate School of Humanities & Social

Graduate School of Law Law School Section 098-895-8091 hbhkdak@acs.u-ryukyu.ac.jp

Faculty of Global & Regional Studies/
Faculty of Tourism Sciences & Industrial Management

Academic Affairs Section 098-895-9053 ktgakumu@acs.u-ryukyu.ac.jp
Graduate School of Tourism Sciences
Faculty of Education Academic Affairs Section 098-895-8317 kigakmu@acs.u-ryukyu.ac.jp
Graduate School of Education Graduate School Section 098-895-8312 kikyosho@acs.u-ryukyu.ac.jp

Faculty of Science/ Graduate School of
Engineering & Science (Science major)

Academic Affairs Section 098-895-8595 rggakmu@acs.u-ryukyu.ac.jp
Faculty of Medicine

Student Support
Subsection, Academic
Affairs Section

098-895-1055 igzgaksien@acs.u-ryukyu.ac.jp

Graduate School of Medicine/ Graduate School of Health Sciences

Faculty of Engineering/ Graduate School of Engineering & Science (Engineering major)

Academic Affairs Section 098-895-8583 kggakmu@acs.u-ryukyu.ac.jp

Faculty of Agriculture/ Graduate School of Agriculture

Academic Affairs Section 098-895-8738 nggakmu@acs.u-ryukyu.ac.jp

Student Support Section, Student Affairs Division

General Education

098-895-8854 kykyotsu@acs.u-ryukyu.ac.jp