Booster Shots at the University【3rd vaccination】

【2022/6/12 本学でのワクチン接種は終了しました】


2022/06/02 予約枠を15枠程度開放しました

2022/05/24 予約枠を30枠程度開放しました

2022/05/09 予約期間を【5/17(火)まで】に、接種対象者を【2回目接種完了から6ヶ月経過した者】に変更

2022/04/22 新型コロナワクチン職域追加接種(大学拠点接種)の実施について(通知) 
RE: Administering a booster shot of COVID-19 at the University

2022/04/01 新型コロナワクチン職域追加接種(大学拠点接種)の実施について(予告)
      Announcement about COVID-19 Booster Vaccination at the University (prior notice)









 最後にワクチン接種後においても 、引き続き「3つの密(密集‧密接‧密閉)」の回避、マスクの着用、石けんによる手洗いや手指消毒用アルコールによる消毒などの感染予防対策をお願いします。

学長 西田 睦

職域追加接種(大学拠点接種)とは About Booster Shots at the University
新型コロナワクチン接種に関する地域の負担を軽減し、接種の加速化を図っていくため、大学が学生・教職員などを対象に行う、3回目のワクチン接種 のことです。


We will administer 3rd inoculation for students and faculty and staff members to reduce the burden of local communities and to accelerate the vaccination.


実施期間 Implementation Period
    6月 2日(木), 3日(金), 4日(土),





PERIOD: From Thursday, May 26, 2022 to Saturday, May 28, 2022
       Thursday, June 2, 2022 to Saturday, June 4, 2022
       Thursday, June 11, 2022 to Sunday, June 12, 2022
     (Substitution day in case of a typhoon, etc.: Mon, Jun 13 & Wed, Jun 15)
※Pre-registration is required. Notice of registration and registration webpage URL announced sequentially on “On-Campus Information Bulletin Board” (in Japanese), “Sending Out Mass Emails to Students via Kyomu System,” or “Sending Out Emails to Faculty and Staff Members,” etc. on Wednesday, April 27.

 Vaccination Guide
場所 Place

琉球大学 全保連ステーション(大学会館)3階特別会議室
ZenhorenStation (University Hall) 3rd FLR, SenbaruCampus

Google Maps(https://goo.gl/maps/ZyZ5X42QdpkKGvbN8) 




 Parking for off-campus visitors is also available. Please use the "学外者駐車場" spaces marked in red.
 Handicapped parking (follow the blue line on the map)
対象者 Subjects


 *委託業者 については、本学施設内で、定常的に学生、教職員及び来学者への窓口業務(対面・対話)、


Those who are 18 years of age or older on the day of vaccination and have been vaccinated for 6 months after receiving the 2nd dose of vaccine, and who fall into one of the following and wish to get vaccinated.
・ UR Students & Faculty and Staff members (incl. part-time staff, contractors, and temporary workers, etc.)
・ Neighboring students and etc. (Okinawa Christian University Students, Okinawa International University Students, Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts Students, National Institute of Technology, Okinawa College Students.)
使用ワクチン About Vaccine to Be Used




The COVID-19 vaccine used in the University Vaccination is manufactured by Moderna.
Please read through the content regarding vaccination on the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare website before scheduling your appointment to not affect important tests or events.
・About Vaccine to Be Used(MHLW website)【https://v-sys.mhlw.go.jp/en/about/】
・Foreign Language New Corona Vaccine Information(MHLW website)
・Efficacy and Safety of Vaccines Planned to Be Used in Workplace Vaccinations (MHLW website)
 【https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/seisakunitsuite/bunya/vaccine_moderna.html】(Japanese only)
・Q&A Regarding to Booster Shots (MHLW: COVID-19 Q&A)
 【https://www.cov19-vaccine.mhlw.go.jp/qa/booster/】(Japanese only)
予約について Reservation
予約サイトのURL及び予約方法は、4月27日(水)に、「学内広報」 「教務システム一斉メール(学生宛)」「学内メール(教職員あて)」等でお知らせしています。
Notice of registration and registration webpage URL announced sequentially on “On-Campus Information Bulletin Board” (in Japanese), “Sending Out Mass Emails to Students via Kyomu System,” or “Sending Out Emails to Faculty and Staff Members,” etc. on Wednesday, April 27.





 4月27日 (水) ~   接種日の2日前まで  


・原則 前日・当日のキャンセルは承っておりません。体調不良等どうしてもやむも得ない場合は職域接種コールセンターへお問い合わせください。



○How to make a reservation
※please read through the “How to make a reservation” to book an appointment during the registration period.
※Please do not share the URL of the reservation site sent to you with anyone other than the eligible participants.


○Registration period

 Wednesday, April 27 to Up to 2 days before the desired date of vaccination.

 ※ The last day for application has been changed.


【Other notes】
・If the vaccination ticket was issued by the municipality before the change, please ask the municipality where you moved your residence to reissue the vaccination ticket.
・Those who have already gotten the booster shot or have made an appointment in your municipality, please do not register.
・If you have made a double booking in the municipality, please cancel one of the appointments as soon as possible.
・If you have received vaccination other than COVID-19 vaccine within 2 weeks, please check with your doctor or medical institution that administered the vaccination to get a confirmation if you can get a COVID-19 vaccine.
・We do not accept cancellations on the day before or the day of the vaccination. Contact the call center if you are not feeling well or it is only unavoidable.
ワクチン接種当日に必要な書類 Prepare necessary documents

(1)予診票および接種券(見本 、記入例


(2)新型コロナワクチン 予防接種済証(臨時接種)

















(1)Prevaccination screening questionnaire (w/ vaccination ticket)(Sample

     ※The 3rd prevaccination screening questionnaire from your municipality (Vaccination ticket might be an attached sticker type.)
     ※If the vaccination ticket was issued by the municipality before the change,
      please ask the municipality where you moved your residence to reissue the vaccination ticket.

(2)Certificate of vaccination

    It is enclosed in the envelope sent from your municipality.
    (May be listed in the same document as (3))

(3)Proof of 1st & 2nd shots of vaccine

    Should be included in the vaccination ticket documents from your municipality.
    (Vaccination proof kept at the 1st & 2nd inoculation is acceptable.)


(4)Identity varication document

    Document verifying your date of birth.
    (Student ID card, staff ID card, driver’s license, health insurance card, etc.)
If you do not bring these documents, you cannot get vaccinated.
Please fill out the (1). Prevaccination screening questionnaire in advance.
★The following two items are required in case of emergency. Please be prepared if you have them.

(5)Health insurance card

(6)Medication record

 ※(6):It keeps record of your prescribed medicines.
ワクチン接種当日の留意点について Notes on the day


・Please measure your body temperature at home before vaccination.
 If you have a fever (37.5°C or higher) or feel unwell, please contact the call center. Inoculation is not available.
・Please have a mask on.
 The vaccine is administered in the shoulder muscles. Please wear short-sleeved or sleeveless clothing with easy access to the upper arm.
・There is no cloakroom or changing room, so please take care of your valuables.
ワクチン接種コールセンター:098-895-8037 ※平日9:00~12:00、13:00~16:00
◆University of the Ryukyus Vaccination Promotion Office Project Team
Call center:098-895-8037 ※Weekdays 9:00-12:00、13:00-16:00