April 11, 2021
Dear Students, Faculty and Staff Members:
Risk Management Headquarters
(for COVID-19 Infection Control)
University of the Ryukyus
We would like to express our sincere appreciation to all of you for your understanding and cooperation regarding the prevention of the spread of COVID-19 infection.
On April 10 (Sat.), Okinawa Prefectural Government announced the countermeasures associated with the designation of areas for “Pre-emergency Measures for Prevention of Spread”. From April 12 (Mon.) to May 5 (Wed.), it is requested that the residents of the prefecture refrain from going out unnecessarily and that restaurants shorten the business hours throughout the prefecture.
On the other hand, in our university, there were several cases of infection during the spring break that seemed to be caused by meals taken off-campus. Fortunately, the infection didn’t spread to surrounding people due to sensible responses of the members, such as taking proper communication and refraining from certain actions.
The University will continue to take necessary prevention measures against infection taking into consideration the situations in and outside the university. At present, according to our comprehensive judgement of the current situations in and outside of the university based on our past experiences, we would like to announce that the level for measures of restrictions on activities on campus remain the same (Level 2) and we continue to implement our policies to secure learning opportunities for our students and take thorough infection control measures.
Based on our policies mentioned above, we would like to request our university members to follow our guidelines below and again ask for your understanding and cooperation:
- Refrain from going out unnecessarily and avoid nonessential movement.
- Act avoiding crowded places and times.
- Refrain from non-essential travels to and from other prefectures.
- Refrain from non-essential travels to and from remote islands.
- Refrain from events that lead to eating and drinking, such as welcome parties and beach parties.
- For extracurricular activities, follow the relevant infection prevention guidelines, etc
- Contact the university when you are infected, become a close contact, or feel unwell.
- Confirm the means of conducting lectures in advance. If you have any questions, ask the instructor in charge.
【Guideline for Restrictions on Activities for Preventing the Spread of COVID-19: Level 2】
Lectures and Practical Classes
・Only when permitted by the head of Faculty/Center, it is possible to provide face-to-face lectures after taking preventive measures against the spread of infection.
In other cases, online lectures will be provided.
Students Entering the Campus
・Only allowed to enter campus when preventive measures against the spread of infection are taken, such as avoiding “Three Cs”.
・Student without internet access, etc. may use the lecture rooms with internet access.
“Three Cs:
1.Closed spaces with poor ventilation
2.Crowded places with many people nearby
3.Close-contact settings such as close-range conversations”
Research Activities
・Must be implemented after taking preventive measures against the spread of infection.